Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


French Dominions to live. We beg that your Excellency will send us word what we shall do as soon as you can and we will do it as soon as you send, and if it be our hard fate to come away from here we will obey your Excellency and come though it would be to us like departing out of this world.
      Dear Sirs, Do for us what lays in your power to settle us here and we will be your faithful subjects till death.  
      The foregoing is what I received from the mouths of Joseph Landrey and Charles Dantermong, two of the principal men of Cape Sables and I am in donbt of a punctual compliance of the Contents.  
      At a Council held at the Province House in Boston upon Monday, December 4th, 1758  
      His Excellency having communicated to the Board an application which he yesterday received from Joseph L'Andree dated Cape Sables September 15th, 1758 in behalf of himself and about forty French families settled there — praying that they may be quieted in their possessions there, as they are willing to take the Oaths to the Government, and to help maintain the War against the French King. Or if that may not be, that they may be permitted to come and settle in this Government.  
      His Excellency also having acquainted the Board that he had communicated the same to General Amherst, who was willing to transport them hither at the Charge of the Crown.  
      Advised, that his Excellency send a copy of said application to Governor Lawrence, and at the same time advise him that the Council could not be of opinion to receive those people into the province even although they should be indemnified as to all charge that might arise by means of their coming hither.


Extract from Letter of Governor Lawrence to The Lords of Trade, dated Halifax, Septr. 20th, 1759.

      Since that time my Lords, the Indians & scattered neutrals particularly the latter, notwithstanding the success of the campaign 1758, against Louisbourg and the measures taken both then and since to put a stop to their incursions upon,  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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