Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


could never have expected, where the general good of the Colonies was so much concerned), I lost not a moments time in representing by a circular Letter to the Governors on the Continent, (a Copy whereof I enclose to your Lordships) the fatal consequences that might attend the return of those people into this Colony, and requested them to stop their progress thro' their respective Governments; and in consequence thereof several have been detained both at New York and Boston. Those at New York will not I believe be attended with any expense to this Province but for those stopped at Boston, a demand has been made and agreed to as your Lordships will see by the Minutes of Council.


Circular to the Governors on the Continent.

1st July, 1756.      

SIR, —
      I am well informed that many of the French Inhabitants transported last year from this Province and distributed among the different Colonies upon the Continent, have procured small vessels and embarked on board them in order to return by Coasting from Colony to Colony, and that several of them are now actually on their way. And as their success in this enterprise would not only frustrate the design of this Government in sending them away at so prodigious an expense, but would also greatly endanger the security of' the Province, especially at this juncture, I think it my indespensable duty to entreat your Excellency to use your utmost endeavours to prevent the accomplishment of so pernicious an undertaking by destroying such vessels as those in your Colony may have prepared for that purpose, and all that may attempt to pass thro' any part of your Government, either by land or water, on their way thither. I would by no means have given your Excellency this trouble were I not perfectly well assured how fatal the return of those people is likely to prove to His Majesty's interest in this part of the world.  
I am &c.,      

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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