Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


Louisbourg at a small Harbour called Jediach, they will doubtless draw to them all those inhabitants that have taken shelter in the Woods in different parts within the peninsula, in which case they will be strong enough to annoy us greatly upon the Isthmus, if not to endanger the loss of the forts themselves as we have never been able to do more than half garrison for want of the augmentations being completed of the other regiments doing duty in the Province, which by the returns will appear to be still in very great backwardness.


Governor Lawrence to Governor Shirley.

(Letter Book.)

HALIFAX, 9th April, 1756.      

SIR, —
      As the many different services the Troops in this Province had to perform the last year, make it impossible, entirely to compleat our design of sending away the french Inhabitants, especially those about Cape Sable, it has been thought by the Government of this Province that the Battalion of Your Excellencys New England Regiment under the Command of a Major Prebble might compleat this design at Cape Sable, by calling there in their Return to Boston, in consequence whereof I have given Major Prebble the necessary Orders which he will at his Arrival doubtless communicate to your Excellency. I flatter myself the Govmt. of the Massachusetts Bay will not find it inconvenient to receive such of these Inhabitants as the Major may be able to carry away with him, but in case unforseen difficulties should arise, I must beg of your Excellency to send them to some of the other Colonies where I am inclined to think they will willingly take them especially at North Carolina, as I have lately received a Letter from Governor Dobbs upon that Subject.  
I am &c.,      

To His Excelly. Genl. Shirley.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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