Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


tation is compleated; and I flatter Myself your Excelly will be able to bring your Government to consent to their longer stay. *   *   *   *

I am, &c.,      


His Excellency }

      Major General Shirley, Boston.


Extract from Letter Lords of Trade to Govr. Lawrence, dated

WHITEHALL, March 25th, 1756.      

      We look upon a War between us and France to be inevitable, and from the best Judgment We are able to form of the Views and Designs of the Enemy, We are inclined to believe a great part of their Force will be exerted to distress and annoy us in North America.

      We have laid that part of your Letter which relates to the Removal of the French Inhabitants, and the Steps you took in the Execution of this Measure, before His Majesty's Secretary of State; and as you represent it to have been indispensably necessary for the Security and Protection of the Province in the present critical situation of our affairs, We doubt not but that your Conduct herein will meet with His Majesty's Approbation.


Extract of a Document entitled, “Remarks relative to the State of the Forces in Nova Scotia," dated 30th March, 1756.

      Notwithstanding the vigilance of the Officers commanding at the different outposts, & the great care with which they executed their orders for embarking the French Inhabitants on board the Transports for carrying them out of the province, Several of them made their escape into the Woods and have found means of subsistence during the Winter. Those without the Isthmus have joined themselves wth. the French Officer's party who retreated from the Fort at the mouth of the River St. John's last summer. He has also with him, the Mick Mack and St. John Indians, and they make by the best information 1,500 men in number, and are very active in annoying any partys sent out from Fort Cumberland or Gasperau. As they can receive supplys from Canada or

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