quaint him that this Government have admitted a number of the Inhabitants of Nova Scotia (sent hither by his Order) who arrived when the Season was so far advanced that they could do but little for their own Support. That the Government here received them in Expectation of being indemnified from all Charges that might arise on their Account, and therefore desire His Excellency will give Orders for defraying all such Charges; And further to Acquaint him that if any more should be sent hither he would at the same time give the like Orders respecting them.
“ Sent down for Concurrence.
“ In the House of Representatives, Decr. 17th, 1755.
Resolved, that this matter be taken into Consideration next Meeting of the Council, and recommend it to the Lieutenant Governor to write to Lieut. Governor Phips by the first Opportunity that the Council have it under Consideration, and that he shall be acquainted as soon as possible with the Resolution which the Council shall come to in regard to the same.
Govenor Shirley to Legislature of Massachusetts.
I am always ready to do every thing in my power to relieve the province from every difficulty it may be under.
The two points, which are the subject of your address presented to me the 7th Inst I have fully consider'd. With respect to the first vizt. the circumstances of the two regiments sent last year from this province to Nova Scotia, I doubt not of being able to effect every thing you can reasonably desire. I will take care that transports be sent forthwith to Halifax sufficient to bring home such men belonging to those regiments as may be in that part of the province, and also to take on board a sufficient number of his Majesty's troops, and to carry them up the Bay of Funda as soon as the