Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


Mines Bason you will march yourself or send a strong Detachment to Annapolis Royal to assist Major Handfield in shipping off those of that River, and you will so order it as all the stragglers that may be met with by the way may be taken up and carried to Annapolis in order to their being shipped with the rest.

      As soon as the Transports have received their people on board and are ready to sail you are to acquaint the Commander of his Majesty's Ship therewith that he may take them under convoy and put to sea without loss of time.

      Indorsed — Colonel Winslow's Instructions, August 11, 1755.

HALIFAX, 11th Augt, 1755.

Instructions for Major JOHN HANDFIELD,* commanding his majesty's Garrison of Annapolis Royal in relation to the transportation of the Inhabitants of the Districts of Annapolis River and the other French Inhabitants out of the Province of Nova Scotia.      

SIR, —

      Having in my letter of the 31st of July last, made you acquainted with the reasons which induced his Majesty's Council to come to the Resolution of sending away the French inhabitants, and clearing the whole country of such bad subjects, it only remains for me to give you the necessary orders for the putting in practice what has been so solemnly determined.

      That the inhabitants may not have it in their power to return to this Province, nor to join in strengthening the French of Canada or Louisbourg: It is resolved that they shall be dispersed among his Majesty's Colonies upon the Continent of America.

      For this purpose, transports are ordered to be sent from Boston to Annapolis to ship on board one thousand persons reckoning two persons to a ton; and for Chignecto Transports have been taken up here to carry off the Inhabitants of that place: and for those of the districts round Mines Bason    
    * John Handfield was an officer in General Philipps's Regt., stationed at Annapolis. He was appointed a member of Council by Govr. Armstrong in 1736. He remained at Annapolis with his regiment after the establishment of' the Government at Halifax, and eventually became a Lt. Col. He was serving in America as Lt. Col. of the 40th Regt. in 1759. It is probable that he died about 1763, as his name does not appear in the Army List after that year. There are several descendants of Col. Handfield in Nova Scotia. — N.S. Council Books. Army List 1759 and 1763.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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