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inhabitants of these districts. You will have also from Boston Vessels to transport one thousand persons, reckoning two persons to a ton.
Upon the arrival of these Vessells from Boston or Chignecto, in the Bason of Mines, as many of the inhabitants of the Districts of Mines; Piziquid, Cobequid, and the River of Canard, &ca, as can be collected by any means; particularly the heads of Families and young men, are to be shipped on board of them at the above rate of two persons to a ton or as near it as possible. The tonnage to be ascertained by the Charter Partys of the several transport Vessels which you will be furnished with an account of from the masters."
And to give you all the ease possible respecting the victualling of these transports I have appointed Mr. George Saul to act as agent Victualler upon this occasion and have given him particular instructions for that effect which he has directions to communicate to you and to furnish you with a copy of upon his arrival from Chignecto with the provisions ordered for victualling the whole transports.
Destination of the Vessels appointed to rendezvous in the Bason of Mines.
To be sent to North Carolina
Such a number as will transport Five hundred persons, or thereabout.
Such a number as will transport one thousand persons, &
Such a number as will transport Five hundred persons, or in proportion, if the number to be shipped off should exceed Two thousand persons.
If the Transports from Boston should arrive in Mines Bason before Mr. Saul the Agent Victualler shall arrive from Chignecto they must remain there till he does arrive with the provisions. But in case you shall have embarked any of the Inhabitants before the Agent Victualler be on the spot you will if necessary allow each person so embarked 5 pounds of flour and one pound of pork for 7 days which allowance Mr. Saul has orders to replace.
When the people are embarked you will please to give the Master of each Vessel one of the letters (of which you will receive a number signed by me) which you will address to the Governor of the Province or Commander in Chief for the