HALIFAX, 11th Augt, 1755.
Instructions for Lieut. Colonel WINSLOW*, commanding his Majesty's Troops at Mines, Or in his Absence for Captain ALEXANDER MURRAY, commanding his Majesty’s Troops at Piziquid, in relation to the transportation of the Inhabitants of the Districts of Mines, Piziquid, River of Canard, Cobequid, &c., out of the Province of Nova Scotia.
Having in my letter of the 31st of July last acquainted Captain Murray with the reasons which induced his Majesty's Council to come to the resolution of sending away the French inhabitants; and clearing the whole country of such bad subjects (which letter he will communicate to you together with the Instructions I have since that sent him): it only remains for me to give you the necessary orders and instructions for putting in practice what has been so solemnly determined.
That the inhabitants may not have it in their power to return to this Province, nor to join in strengthening the French of Canada or Louisbourg: it is resolved that they shall be dispers'd among his Majesty's Colonies upon the Continent of America."
For this purpose Transports are sent up the Bay to ship off those at Chignecto and Colonel Moncton will order those he cannot fill there into Mines Bason to carry off some part of the
* Colonel John Winslow was a native of New England, son of Isaac Winslow, of Marshfield in Massachusetts, and great grandson of Edward Winslow, one of the first Plymouth settlers. He was a Captain of Provincials in the unfortunate expedition to Cuba in 1740, and afterwards an officer in the British Army and a Major General of Militia. He served as commander of Provincial troops in the expeditions to the Kennebeck and Crown Point, and was selected by Governor Shirley to command the troops raised in Massachusetts for service in Nova Scotia in 1755, This force consisted of two battalions, under Lieut. Colonels Scott and Winslow — Governor Shirley himself being Colonel in Chief. Colonel Winslow served under General Monckton at the capture of the Forts at the Isthmus, and was afterwards employed in the removal of the Acadian French from Grand Pre. These Massachusetts troops were afterwards stationed at Fort Beausejour in Cumberland, and claimed to be sent home at the Expiration of one year's service, on an alleged understanding with Winslow; their request being denied, they fell into a state of insubordination, thereby causing much trouble to Governor Lawrence.
Mr. Winslow died at Marshfield in 1774, aged 71. He was a Councillor of Massachusetts, and so great was his popularity, says Minot, that he raised for the Expedition under Monckton 2000 men in the short space of two months. He left two sons, Pelham and Isaac, both attached to the Royal Cause in the American Revolt. Winslow's Letter Book and Journal, while engaged in the removal of the Acadians, are in the possession of the Massachusetts Historical Society at Boston. — Belknap's American Biography, Minot's History Mass. 217, 18, Thatcher’s Hist. Plymouth, p. 142. Haliburton’s Hist. N.S., vol. 1.