When Beau Soliel's son arrives, if he brings you no intelligence which you can trust to, of what the French design to do or are doing upon the St. John River, I would have you fall upon some method of procuring the best intelligence by means of some inhabitant you dare venture to put confidence In, whom you may send thither for that purpose.
As to the provisions that were found in the stores at Beausejour. The 832 Barrels of Flour must be applied to victual the whole of the French inhabits. on their passage to their place of destination, and if any remain, after a proper proportion is put on board of each Transport, it will be sent to Lunenburg for the settlers there.
It is agreed that the inhahitants shall have put on board with them, one pound of Flour & half a pound of Bread pr. day for each person, and a pound of beef pr. week to each, the Bread and Beef will be sent to you by the Transports from Halifax, the Flour you have already in store.
I would have you give orders to the Detachment you send to Tatmagouche; to demolish all the Houses &c. they find there, together with all the Shallops, Boats, Canoes or Vessels of any kind which may be lying ready for carrying off the inhabitants & their Cattle, & by this means the pernicious intercourse and intelligence between St. Johns Island & Louisbourg and the inhabitants of the interior part of the Country, will in a great measure be prevented.
Indorsed — Scroll to Col. Monckton, 31 July, 1755, forwarded by Cap. Coxton's party, August 2.
Extracts from a Letter of Govr. Lawrence to Col.Monckton.
Last night a vessel arrived from New York, by which we have it confirmed that General Braddock was attacked by the French on the 9th of July, about 9 miles from Fort Duquesne, that his army was defeated, and that the General died of the wounds he received in the engagement, four days afterwards.
As it is hard to say what may be the consequence of this most unhappy affair, you cannot be too much upon your guard against any unforseen accident or surprise, and use your utmost endeavours to prevent, as much as possible, this bad news reaching the ears of the French inhabitants.
The Transports for taking off the Inhabitants will be with you soon, as they are almost ready to sail from hence, and by