At a Council holden at the Governor's house in Halifax on Monday the 28th July 1755.
Willm. Cotterell, Councilor
The Hon. Vice Admiral Boscawen and Rear Admiral Mostyn being also present.
The Lieutenant Governor acquainted the Council that the deputies from Pisiquid, Menis and the river Canard were arrived and had delivered the following memorials."
(Translated from the French.)
“ To the Honorable CHARLES LAWRENCE, President of the King's Council, Commander in Chief of Nova Scotia, Lieutenant Governor of Annapolis Royal, Lieutenant Colonel of a regiment of infantry.
"The inhabitants of our districts, having been informed by Mr. Murray, Commanding Fort Edward at Pisiquid, that we, the said Inhabitants, are required to send certain persons to appear before the Governor at Halifax, to answer the demand made upon us, by virtue of an oath, which we are assured, his honor requires of us, the inhabitants of our districts in general, take the liberty of representing, that after having taken the oath of fidelity to His Britannic Majesty, with all the circumstances and reservation granted to us, in the name of the King, by Mr. Richard Philipps, Commander in Chief in the said province, which allegiance we have observed as far as possible, for a number of years, enjoying peaceably our rights according to the terms of our oath in all its tenor and reserve; and always having relied on our oath of fidelity, both as to its tenor and its observance, we are an resolved, with one consent and voice, to take no other oath.* We have taken the oath of"
* On the reduction of Port Royal by Gen. Nicholson in 1710, it was stipulated by the fifth article of the Capitulation, that the inhabitants living within Cannon shot of the Fort, (explained as 3 English miles) were to have the privilege of remaining on their lands for the period of two years, they taking the Oaths of Allegiance and fidelity to Queen Anne. All the male inhabitants within that