Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


as possible, to evade it, and at last desired to return home and consult the rest of the Inhabitants, that they might either accept or refuse the Oath in a body; but they were informed that we expected every man upon this occasion to answer for himself, and as we would not use any compulsion or surprise, we gave them twenty four hours time to deliver in their answer; and, if they should then refuse, they must expect to be driven out of the country; and, tho' they should afterwards repent of their refusal, they would not be permitte'd to take the oath. The next morning, they appeared and refused to take the oath without the old reserve of not being obliged to bear arms, upon which, they were acquainted, that as they refused to become English subjects, we could no longer look upon them in that light; that we should send them to France by the first opportunity, and till then, they were ordered to be kept prisoners at George's Island, where they were immediately conducted. They have since earnestly desired to be admitted to take the oath, but have not been admitted, nor will any answer be given them until we see how the rest of the Inhabitants are disposed.

      I have ordered new Deputies to be elected, and sent hither immediately, and am determined to bring the Inhabitants to a compliance, or rid the province of such perfidious subjects. Your Lordships will see our proceedings in this case at large, as soon as it is possible to prepare the minutes of Council. *   *   *   *   *

I am, &c.,      


The Lords Commrs. for Trade & Plantations.


      At a Council holden at the Governor's house in Halifax on friday July 25th 1755.


The Lieutenant Governor,

      Benj. Green, Councilor

      Jno. Collier. Councilor

      Willm. Cotterell, Councilor

      Jno. Rous, Councilor

      Jonn. Belcher. Councilor

      The Honble. Vice Admiral Boscawen and Rear Admiral

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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