Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


an order to send him hither, and do Require your Complyance thereto; and as it is provided by the 14th Article of the treaty of Utrecht, that the Inhabitants shall Enjoy the Exercise of their Religion, as far as the laws of Groat Britain Do allow the same, I have hereunto subjoined a Copy of the said Article for your aild their perusal, that you may be Ware of Incroaching upon the same. I am Sir

your most humble servt      





Gov. Armstrong to M. St. Ovide, Governor of Cape Breton.

(Letter Book.)

ANNAPOLIS ROYALL 17 June 1732.      

SIR, —

      The Inhabitants of this Rivet having made application to me for a Preist, I have therefore (in answer to the prayer of their petition) sent you this, that you may Consider their Demand, which (as long as it may be agreeable to the treaty of Utrecht) I shall always agree to, and therefore I desire (to prevent all suspicion that way, it Being agreeable to the Intensions of the two Crowns to live in friendship) that you will send hither two Preists of known probity, that will Behave themselves in tho Execution of their Ecclesiastical Office, with Such Discretion as may be agreeable to the laws of Great Britain, to which the said treaty refers, and in so Doing, I Do assure yon that they shall always Enjoy the libertys therein Stipulated, and all the protection thereby Required, according to their merit.

      This comes by Captain Bissell, a Subject of Britain, whom I Recommend to your favour, having found him an honest man, and as Gaulier is to follow him, I shall send you a Duplicate of this, and hope these Priests now wrote for will Come by him, to Supply the vaccancy of this place, and that of Menis, through the Default of De Godalie, who has not only acted and behaved himself Basely, But to Excuse himself, hath in his letters Given himself the lye. Therefore I must tell you, that he has not behaved himself like a man of Honour; and for that and his other Impudent presumptions in this His Britanick Majesty's Domimons, I have ordered him to depart this province, as I am resolved to do with all

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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