Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


vernment, and follow the dictates of their Priests and the Bishop of Quebec (or those of Cape Breton) who orders not only the building of Churches here, but sends whom and what number of Priests he may think proper, and in all other affairs takes the same liberty, wherefore I have judged proper to transmit the enclosed letters No.4, 5, 6 from Priest de Godalie, wherein he contradicts himself, and No.7, 8 are mine to him; notwithstanding whereof, and my positive orders to the deputies, he conveyed the young man therein mentioned out of the Province; so that without some particular directions in relation to the insolent behaviour of those Priests, the people will never be brought to obedience, being by them incited to daily acts of rebellion.
      I must also acquaint your Lordships that a small Colony of French have settled themselves in the St. Johns River, upon the North side of the Bay of Fundy, who despise aud contemn all authority here as the declaration of one Rene le Blanc inhabitant at Menis, No.9, whereupon I sent them the enclosed Summons No.10, to which, as yet, I have no answer.


Governor Armstrong to Priest Godalie.

(Letter Book.)

ANNAPOLIS ROYALL, 20 Aprile 1732.      

SIR, —
      Since my last to you of 28th March last In Relation to the Church at Cobaquit, and the preists mentioned in yours of the 18th of September last, I have seen one from you to Mr. Gaulen of the 8 Instant, and as I have signifyd to you my displeasure for your activeness therein, I am no less dissatisfy'd & surpris'd at your presumption not only in concealing from me any of His Majesty's subjects who may at any time desert his service, But Even in Endeavoring to incite them so to do by your Entertaining of them, in order to draw them from their allegiance, and to make them your proselytes. Such audacious practices and attempts upon any of his Britannick Majestys protestant subjects, Especially within any of his Dominions, I do assure you I wiII resent, and I desire therefore, if you have any regard, Either for yourself, or Even for any of your function, that may succeedyou in those his Majesty's Dominions, you will deliver that young man mentioned in said letter to the Deputys, to whom I have sent  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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