Deputys of Menis Requiring them to publish the same to the Inhabitants, and desire you will do the Same amongst those in your District of Cobaquit who I hope will also Contribute in Assisting me with some Supplys of Grain to be sent me Early in the Spring for the Support of his Majestys Garrison, as to which I have sent Mr. Samuel Cottenham to treat with you for such things as are needfull, and do hereby Confirm what he may do in that Respect, and shall Accordingly order you punctual payment and am, Gentlemen
Annapolis Royall, 18 Decembr. 1731.
Governor Armstrong to Lords of Trade.
* * * * * Your Lordships in Your afore recited letter, have a just notion of our French Inhabitants, but as they have taken the Oath of Fidelity, and thereby admitted to the privileges and liberty of subjects, I beg Your Lordships to inform me how far they or their Seigniors are entitled to lands abandoned ever since the reduction of this place, and other waste and uncultivated lands to which especially since their taking the oath they lay claim, and plead the Treaty of Utrecht, tho' for these many Years noways cultivated or improven, which if they are to enjoy without a limitation of certain conditions, the Country will in a great measure remain a wilderness, and there will be scarce one acre left, especially in this place, to be granted to protestant subjects, who are much desired, and for whom room might be found here, if these Seigniors did not thus pretend a right to the greatest part, if not the whole. Province, without complying with such conditions as may be naturally conjectured, that first moved his most Christian Majesty to make such concessions, which if not remedied, will render this part of the Province a continual expence, and of no advantage to his Majesty, for whose use, there is not an inhabitant that pays a farthing rent towards the defraying of such necessary charges