Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


and thought I had made it stronger then the original English, by adding the words, "en foi de Chretien" and "que je reconnois" &c., the word fidele is the only one I could find in the dictionary to express allegiance and am told by French men that both it and obeir govern a dative case, and the conjunction, et, between makes both of them to refer to tbe Person of the King, according as I have learned grammar, and I humbly conceive that tbe jesuits would as easily explain away the strongest oaths that could be possibly framed as not binding on papists to what they call a Heretic. Your Lordships will observe tbe oath that has been afterwards given to the body of tbe Inhabitants up the Bay of Fundy, to be varied; it was upon occasion of their thinking the other too strong. I believe Your Lordships will think this not liable to the same objection as the other, and not at all weakened in the alteration. *   *   *   *   *   *

I am &c      

R. PHILIPPS.      

The Right Honble.

      The Lords Commissiors

      For Trade & Plantation.


Govr. Armstrong to the French Deputies.

(Letter Book.)


      Though I doubt not you have heard of my Return and arrivall here, I have nevertheless judged proper to Signify it to you myself by this opportunity and to acquaint you that as I have nothing more in view than your particular Interests, and the Welfare of this His Majesty's province in general, So I hope for and Expect Your Concurrance and ready complyance with what may be proposed for the promotion of Both, To Either of Which you shall always find me to contribute while undistinguished and by you noways prefer'd to his Majesty's Service, by which you'l allow that as I am enjoyn'd to administer impartially to all, that I may therefore not only expect But Even Require a Suiteable Behaviour from all to which I flatter myself there will be amongst you but few if any objections.

      His Majesty having appointed me to succeed Governor Philipps, who is ordered to Return to Great Britain, I Recom-

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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