your Grace will find the number of those people at this day, adding to the number about Fifty stragling families who wait my return to Annapolis.
The greatest obstruction that I apprehended to meet with in the course of this affair was from the Indians who I had notice given me had taken the alarm, and were assembled in boddies to know what was upon the Anvil, but by good management plain reasoning and presents which I had prepared for them they were brought into so good temper that instead of giving auy disturbance they made their own submission to the English Government in their manner, and with dancing and Hizzas parted with great satisfaction.
Thus far the peace of the Country is settled with a prospect of continuance at least so long as the union subsists betwixt the two Crowns, but to be secure in all events requires further precautions, for its certain that all the safety of this Province depends absolutely upon the Continuance of that union, when that ceases the Country becomes an Easy pray to our neighbours. * * * * * *
To His Grace the Duke of Newcastle.
Govr. Philipps to the Lords of Trade.
* * * * Being now much indisposed and fatigued with voyaging from almost one end of the Province to t'other and the vessels herein being in haste to get home tis almost as much as I am able to do to prepare duplicates of what papers were sent from Canso, from which place, I had the honor of writing to Your Lordships, and I am to acquaint you, that this duplicate of the Inhabitants up the Bay's submission contains the additional names (marked therein) of those who I mentioned not to be come in at that time, so that there remains now not more than five or six scattering families on the Eastern coast to complete the submission of the whole Province, whom I shall call upon in the spring.
I am sorry to find Your Lordships think the Oath which the Inhabitants of this River have taken not to be well worded, I used my best understanding in the forming of it