Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


known, which I earnestly beg Your Grace will please to send me with directions how to proceed as well in regard to them as the other Inhabitants whom the Council has thought fit to debar from Fishing, pursuant to his late Majesty's instructions, Art. 13, and from Navigating otherwise than according to law.
      Pursuant to the order of His Majesty's most Honble. Privy Council and the directions of the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, to proclaim His Majesty in all the proper parts of the Government, I have chartered a vessel for that voyage for £100 Sterling, and have put on board a Commissioned Officer with a command of Soldiers, who after a long and uncomfortable Voyage is now returned. I cannot say but the gentleman has acted very well as far as the proclaiming of His Majesty, but in tendering the Oaths he has fallen into very great errors by making some unwarrantable concessions which I have refused to ratify, but the Council has thought meet to transmit home a Copy No.6, of his whole Proceedings for Your Graces perusal. that His Majesty may see the presumption and unparallelled impudence of those people.  
      I have within these few days received advice by an express sent me by the Lieut. Governor of New England of some murders and other hostilities committed on His Majesty's subjects by some Indians within 15 leagues of Canso, and by a letter from Monsieur St. Ovide, of their having seized a Sloop and Cargo at Port le Basque in Newfoundland.  
      *   *   *   * Notwithstanding the French Governor's apology I am convinced that the French are at the Bottom concerned in order to disturb and discourage our Fishery. *   *   *  
      The Military Officers, who are the only subjects His Majesty has here who are any ways qualified for that service, (Councillors) will think it hard to be subjected to others, since His Majesty has not three faithful subjects in the place besides themselves and the Troops they command.  
Your obt. servant,      


Governor Armstrong to the Duke of Newcastle.

July 9th 1728.      

      *   *   *   * I beg leave further to observe to Your Grace that the great lenity of the Government is in some measure the cause of the people's disobedience, for I

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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