Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


Lieut. Govr. Armstrong's Letter to the Deputies of Mines &c. up the Bay to be published to ye other Inhabitants.

(Letter Book.)

      Upon the Report of Capt. Bennett & Engn. Philipps of your Comportment and answers in Relation to your takeing the Oath and thereby becoming His Britanick Majesty, my Masters Subjects; I have therefore thought proper to send you this, to shew you that its not only Your Duty and Interest to pay that due Obedience to His Majesty, who for so many Years hath been so Graciously Pleas’d to grant you the Enjoyment not Only of your Estates but Religion, and even upon so Easy Termes, after so long a Disobedience, to Pardon all, and Confirme the same unto you: But also to Signify to you All, that I am so farr from doing You any Prejudice, that I hereby in His Majesty's Name, Invite you Seriously to Consider not only your present but future Happiness; and Desire that you the Deputees of the people and others the Principall Masters of Familys Amongst You, with Monsr. Gaulin Your Missionary Priest, may come here as Soon as possible, with full Power from the Other Inhabitants, That I may fully Discourse & Reason with You on this Subject before the Council, Before I Represent any part of Your Behaviour to His Majesty. This I friendly Advise You to, That in Case You do not Comply, Yon may have none to Blame but yourselves for what may be the Consequence of so much Disrespect and Disobedience to so Great & Gracious a Sovereign.  
      I am with friendly advise for the Interests of you all.  
Gentlemen yor most Humble Servt.      

Annapolis Royall
      1 June 1727.

      At a Council held at the place aforesaid on Wednesday the 21st June 1727.  


      The Lieut. Governor and same members as on the 1st inst.  
      His Honor the Lieut. Governor of the Province having sent for Etienne Rivette whom he had detained at the Officers' Guard Room and having administered an Oath to answer  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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