Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


directly to the best of his knowledge to such questions as should be put to him and to declare the truth and nothing but the truth, caused to be read a declaration of said Rivettes, as upon file, which he owned to be such, and having signed it, declared the same to be according to what he had heard as is contained in said declaration, and being further asked whether he had heard that the Lieut. Governor's power was of no such force as to administer the Oaths of fidelity to the inhabitants, answered that the person who brought the letter said and signified so. Ques. — Why the inhabitants did not cut the road as directed. Answr.-That he had heard several say that his Honor would take and drive the cattle away at his pleasure, and use them as he did those here, which he believed was the reason for that; the greatest part of the people desired no communication with us. *   *   *   *   *


      At a Council held &c. on Tuesday 25 July 1727. P.M.

      His Honour laid before the board a minute of Council bearing date the 6th day of July 1725. founded on a representation of Mr. William Winnietts merchant of this place relating to trade with the French Inhabitants up the Bay* which being read His Honor desired the same might be again taken into consideration the Inhabitants still behaving themselves with so much disrespect and Insolence as aforesd. and absolutely refusing to take the Oath to His Majesty. Therefore putt the question whether they should be permitted to have the benefit of trade with our English traders going up the Bay.

      *   *   *   * Taken into consideration the insolent behaviour of the inhabitants as aforesaid and their refusing the Oaths to His Most sacred Majesty and declaring they will always be faithful to their good King of France as per their declaration upon file.

      Resolved that until the inhabitants aforesaid submit themselves and take the Oath of fidelity to His Majesty, conform to the Laws of Great Britain, no vessel shall be permitted to trade with them, until His Majesty's pleasure therein shall be known.

      At the same time the question was put to the vote agreeable to the aforesaid minute of Tuesday the 6th of July 1725 vizt.    
    * At Chignecto and Minas.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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