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The Honble Lawrence Armstrong Lieut. Governor of the Province,
The Honble Joseph Doucett* Lieut. Governor of Annapolis Royal,
John Adams Esq,
William Skene Esq,
William Shirreff Esq.
* * * Then he [the Lt. Governor] acquainted the Board that he had appointed the Deputies of the French inhabitants to meet him here this day, and that he had a mind to propose to them the taking the Oaths to His Majesty King George, which being judged very necessary that they either should, or begone out of the Province, the said Deputies who were attending were called in and the question put accordingly.
Which being done, the said Deputies seemed satisfied, but desired a Copy of said Oath, that they might communicate the same to the inhabitants, which being ordered to be given them, His Honor appointed Sunday the 25th instant, for their making an answer.
SUNDAY the 25th of September 1726. P. M.
His Honor the Lieut. Governor of the Province with the Honble. Lieut. Governor of His Majesty’s Town and Garrison of Annapolis Royal with the other members of the Council, met at the Flag Bastion according to adjournment where the Deputies with a number of the inhabitants being also present, His Honor the Lieut. Governor of the Province told them that he was glad to see them, and that he hoped they had so far considered their own and children's future advantages, that they were come with a full resolution to take the Oath of fidelity like good subjects, induced with sincere honest principles of submission and loyalty to so good and gracious a King, who upon their so doing, due and faithful observation of their sacred Oaths had promised them not only the free ex-
* Joseph Doucett succeeded Thos. Caulfield as Lt. Governor of the Fort of Annapolis, under Nicholson, in 1717, and continued to hold office under his successor, Genl. Philipps, until the year 1726. His name here appears on the Council Books under that of Lawrence Armstrong, who was then Lt. Governor of the Province. The last meeting of Council which he attended was held on the l0th November following.