Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


Board of Trade to Governor Phi1ipps.


28 December 1720.      

SIR, —

      *   *   *   *   * As the French Inhabitants of Nova Scotia, who appear so wavering in their inclinations we are apprehensive they will never become good subjects to His Majesty whilst the French Governors and their Priests retain so great an influence over them, for which reason we are of opinion they ought to be removed as soon as the Forces which we have proposed to be sent to you shall arrive in Nova Scotia for the protection of and better settlement of Your province, but as you are not to attempt their removal without His Majesty's positive order, for that purpose, you will do well in the mean while to continue the same prudent and cautious conduct towards them, to endeavour to undeceive them concerning the exercise of their religion which will doubtless be allowed them if it should be thought proper to let them stay where they are. The presents for the Indians we hear have been ordered some while since, of which your Agent will give You the necessary advices. *   *

Your very loving Friends      

& humble servants      


T PELHAM      

M BLADEN      

EDWD. ASHE      

Extract from a Letter of Govr. Philipps to Board of Ordnance dated Annapolis Royal, 28th December, 1720.

      The ffrench Inhabitants have been suffered here so long under no conditions of obedience that they are not only multiplyed, and become numerous, but withall insolent, particularly those settlements which are out of reach of the Govermt. and are the most considerable as Minas, Chignecto &c.

      Soon after my arrival here, they were required by Proclamation (according to my Instructions) to sweare Allegiance to the Crowne of Great Brittain, or to avacuate the Country within four months from the date thereof, to which they have signified by words and actions that they have no thoughts of

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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