Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


complying with either, untill they see the Goverment strong enough to inforce its Orders. *   *   *   *
      I am upon as good terms with those last, as it is possible for an English Governor to be, excepting a few Banditti.


Governor Philipps to William Winniet.

(Translated from the French.)

      The inhabitants of Mines seem to reflect (as they have great reason to do) on their insolent treacherous and astonishing deportment towards the person and government of his Majesty the King of Great Britain within whose dominions they have been permitted hitherto to live and enjoy privileges greater than those enjoyed by any people in the known world at the present day.  
      These strange proceedings they consider justified on several occasions by a pretended fear of the savages — a pretence as false as it is frivolous and to which if it were received, they would always have recourse in order to carry out their designs. whenever they might desire to deceive and impose upon these ignorant people in making them bear the blame of their wicked actions, who of themselves have not the slightest shadow of reason for doing any harm to his Majesty's subjects.  
      Therefore you will communicate to the said inhabitants the true and literal contents of this paper, as the ultimate conditions of accommodation that can be accepted with safety and honour by the government of his Majesty, which will never be wanting in power and energy to maintain its authority and chastise those who undertake to insult it.  
I am      
your obedient servant,      
R. PHILIPPS.      

Annapolis Royal
      March 4th, 1720/21  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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