Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


from the fishery and the number of Brittish subjects which would resort there if a sure protection can be obtained. Two hundred men to raise the ffort, and one hundred to be left there in Garrison after the ffort is built, we humbly conceive to be necessary.
      Mines on accot. of the numbers of ffrench Inhabitants will require four hundred men, part whereof after the fort redoubt or intrencht. is rais'd, may be detached to Chignecto where, besides the reasons above as to the Inhabitants, it requires the more to have a considerable strength in regard that the trade is clandestinely carried to Cape Breton by meanes of the small Trajett from the bay of Fundy into the Gulph of St. Lawrence and that the ffrench have sent this summer four ships, two of which we hear are actually arrived at Island St Johns, not above six leagues distance from Shignecto, where they intend to have a considerable ffort and settlement, and by means of it will be able to command the trade as well as the french inhabitants in these parts. These two places Mines and Shignecto ought to be garrison'd with no less than one hundred & fifty men each to serve the ends above specifyed. The hundred that remaine with the hundred to be drawne from Canceall may serve for a settlement on the Eastern Coast of this Province for which Port Rosway, La Have, Marligash, or Chiboucto are recommended. The troopes required to carryon these several projects ought to sett out in March from Great Brittain to be here in April or May at the farthest, the summers being so short here as will hardly admitt of makeing the necessary preparations for a long winter.  
      We further give it as our humble opinion, that besides a Ship of warr, which ought to countenance these several projects, two sloops of about fifty tonns each are necessary which may be mann'd out of the Garrisons and serve as guard Vessells as well as packets and trau8ports to the places which do not ad mitt of the man of wan.  
      All which is humbly submitted  
      Annapolis Royal
      27 Septemr. 1720  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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