Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


safety to returne, upon which he desired them to furnish him with a guide to direct him the safest way back thro' the woods, which not being able to obtaine he ventur'd alone, but first wrote the enclosed letter to the Deputy he had apply'd to for the guide. This is their method of excuseing their behaviour by turning it into a grievance on their side. You will please to observe that they pass over that part of my letter wherein I reminded them of the testimony of my good will toward them, in presumeing contrary to my orders to prolong the time for their evacuation, which they do not think fitt to acknowledge, since they have prevailed with the Indians to sett up their native right and title to the Countrey, as you will see by their answer or rather the Priest for them.
      These are the effects the Proclamation hath produced, and their grounds for laying the blame, and makeing me the cause of this trouble, because the honour of publishing those his Majesty's orders has fallen to my lott for they will not be persuaded but that I have done it of my owne head. Tis what they should have been told eight yeares sooner, but it is not yet too late. I hope this will serve as a lucky occasion to hasten the securing the Countrey under the King's dominion, which is a worke that must be done first or last and the longer it is delay'd the more difficult it will be  
I have the Honr. of once more      

Your most humble and      
most obedient servant      

To Mr Secretary Craggs


Govr. Philipps to Mr. Popple, Secretary of the Board of Trade.

(Letter Book.)

SIR, —
      *   *   *   * The french councills this summer have tended toward exciteing the Indians to a Generall Warr, upon which matter all the nations of them have had several meetings and consultations, and expresses sent to Canada to draw in those. But their Artiffices have hitherto proved ineffectuall. For the Indians (who are not without cunning) will not be brought to a declaration of warr because the ffrrench cannot openly joyne with them therein, & therefore have determined to deferr it to another opportunity. In the mean time they are amused dayly with false packets, the freshest of  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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