Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


which is that the Young King of France is Crown'd, the regent out of favour, and the peace between the two Crownes upon the point of desolving. So that whenever the affaires of France shall happen to take another turne, it may be foretold without divination, that this Countrey (which is a fronteer) will be hard besett and in no little danger of being lost, if this opportunity of peace be not improved for its security.

      There is a continuall intercourse and communication between Minas, Chignecto, and adjacent settlements, and the Goverment of Cape Breton & Isle St. Johns; the traffick of those parts is wholly turn'd that way, the Inhabitants goe and come dayly, and all this not in my power to prevent with the Garrison at the distance of 30 leagues. I have a detachment at Cansoe that winters there for the security of that ffishery, which by all accots. is the best in the Universe, and I hope in the Spring to be fully instructed what measures to pursue in relation to these Inhabitants.

      I observe with pleasure that their Lordshipps have much at heart the security and settlement of this Province which they have alwayes demonstrated by giveing attention to what has been proposed for that end; but the difficulty seems to lye with the Board of Ordnance, who will hardly be prevailed upon to alter their first scheems, which I will be bold to say, in the present scituation of affaires will be found neither practicable nor sufficient; for first the Indians (who will not faile of being pusht on by the french) will take incouragement from our weakness to give continuall disturbance to the worke; and next if those small projected redoubts or towers can be raised they will not answer to awe the present inhabitants, in case they continue, or protect others that shall come in their roome, but will be in a manner blockt up, because not capable of sending out any considerable detachment; for the french, tho' they dare not act barefaced, will not fail many of them in the disguise of Indians (as has been their practice) to lead them on to mischeife. But this is harping upon the same string. If the representations that are made be found to be of any weight, I have said enough; if not, I have the misfortune of giveing their Lordshipps & you too much unnecessary trouble. *   *   *   *   *   *

      I wish you and family a happy new yeare

and am Sir      

Your affectionate humble Servant      

R. PHILIPPS.      

To Mr. Popple

      Secretary to the Board of Trade.

      This letter is entered in the Letter Book without date.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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