Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


      I heartily wish that this Expence was not absolutely necessary, but as the case stands, it would be more for the honour of the Crowne (I speak it with humble submission,) and profitt also, to give back the Country to the ffrench, than be contented with the name only of Government, and this charge that attends it, whilst they bare the rule & make it subservient to the support of their settlement at Cape Breton; which could ill subsist without the graine & the cattle they fetch from Manis &c.

I am with perfect duty and respect      


Your most humble and      

most obedt Servt      

R. PHILIPPS.      

To the Rt Honble James Craggs Esq

      one of his Majestys principal

      Secretarys of State.


Governor Philipps to Secretary Craggs.

(Letter Book.)

ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, 27 Sept 1720      

SIR, —

      Before I could dispatch my letter, the answer from the Inhabitants of Manis to the letter I wrote them by advice or his Majesty's Council upon the affaire of Mr. Alden's stoop being plunder'd there, is come to my hand, Copy of which with what they send me in behalf of the Indians is herewith transmitted. You may please to observe by this deportemt. of the Deputys excuseing their non-appearance, is a confirmation of the little regard they pay to any orders of the Goverment, and how the Indians (whome they have sett on worke) are made the screene for all their actions. The Jesuitical frame of the letter plainly discovers it to be of the Priests composure, there not being one Inhabitant in the Countrey capable of such a performance. What is therein mentioned of Mr. Broadstreet is litterally thus vizt.: this Gentleman was sent with a deputation from the Collector (and with my approbation) to reside at Menis as a preventive officer to observe the trade and correspondence those people carryon with Cape Breton, and to give an accot. thereof from time to time. This Office not suiting with their interest, they told him that he could not be protected there, and therefore it was necessary for his

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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