Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


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      I had almost forgot to acquaint you that some of the Indians robbers who return'd from Cansoe to Minas to the number of Eleven finding a New England tradeing Sloop there belonging to Mr. John Alden, and being flush'd with their former success and applauded by the Priests they plundered her also at the very doors of the Inhabitants who lookt on without restraineing those wretches under the sham pretence of being afraid of provokeing them. I have wrote to them to demand a better reason of such their behaviour, which is all I can do in my present circumstances but hope it will not be long thus, copy of this letter goes mark'd No 4.  
      This being the last oppo. (probably) this season that I may have the honour of writeing to you, do therefore think it my duty (with submission) to tell you plainly that I find this Country in no likelyhood of being settled under the Kings obedience upon the footing it is, and therefore it is necessary that the Government at home exert itself a little, and be at some extraordinary expence, for this has been hitherto no more than a mock Goverment: its authority haveing never yet extended beyond Cannon reach of this ffort. I was in hopes (& signify'd as much in the last letter I had the honour to write you) that the addition of a hundred men more with what I could draw from the Garrison of Placentia might suffice for this worke, but am now convinc'd it will require a greater number, and because I may not be thought to impose my owne opinion in a matter of such consequence I have called a Council of the Chief Officers (some of which are of the King's Council) to consider of and propose the most reasonable & least expensive scheme, for establishing the King's authority in such manner and in such parts of this Province as may render it communicative over the whole, which proposal I have the honour to lay before you markt No 5.  
      The Inhabitants seem determined not to sware allegiance, at the same time I observe them goeing on with their tillage and building as if they had no thoughts of leaveing their habitations; it is likely they flatter themselves that the King's affaires here will allwayes continue in the same feeble State. I am certain nothing but demonstration will convince them to the contrary.  
      The number of these people and how scituate, with a description of their particular settlement and Country in general, is herewith presented to you, being the most exact & perfect accot. that has yet been given of this Province.  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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