Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


the retreating Indians and took two of them also prisoners. Had it not been for this eruption twenty thousand Quintals of dry cod fish this season would have been exported out of this place, and the returns arising thereby, very considerable to Great Britain.
      This is sufficient to show the necessity of supporting the British subjects, whom the advantage of the Fishery will draw every year, and induce to settle in this place, if they can be secured from the like insults by a Ship or armed Sloop countenancing them in summer, and a Fort and Garrison protecting them in winter. This if encouraged is very likely to be the chief place for Trade tho' not so conveniently situated for the chief seat of Government as Fort Roseway,* LaHave, Marligash,+ Chiboucto, or any other Harbor situate on the Eastern Coast of this Government; which by being near the centre, may best hold communication with the whole. But as neither of these harbors, have been as yet narrowly surveyed, and no sufficient information can be had about them, further  

mention thereof will be deferred to another opportunity, by
      The foregoing treatise has been carefully examined and found to be exact and perfect.  


Governor Philipps to Secretary Craggs,

(Govrs. Lett. Book.)

ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, 26 Sept. 1720.      

SIR, —
      In my former letters I have had the Honour to lay before you the State of the Kings affaires in this part of his Majesty's Dominions, with every step of my proceedings with as much exactness as was possible. What hath hapned since at Cansoe and the damage done there to the ffishery, by way of reprisall (as the Savages give out) for what was taken from the ffrench by Capt Smart, is an unhappy confirmation that I have not been mistaken, for nothing is so evident, as that our ffrench Inhabitants and the neighbouring ffrench Govermts are Equally secrett Enemys to the Brittish interest in this Province & consult together how they may disturb and obstruct

4 * Now Shelburne. † Lunenburgh.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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