dominions. You reproach us Sir in the proclamation with having remained on our property more than the year stipulated in the articles of peace. We have the honor to reply that it was impossible for us to do otherwise for the following reason that although permission to sell our real estate was granted to us, yet we have not been able to do so not having yet found a purchaser; the above privilege therefore has been useless to us. Moreover by a letter of the late Queen Anne of happy memory it was ordered that a valuation of our property should be made and that the amount of said valuation should be paid to us as was done in the evacuation of Placentia and other places ceded to the Queen by the King of France.
Thus Sir, if you think that what we have had the honour to represent is not justice and equity, we beg that you will have the goodness to tell us so — the favour that those expect who take the liberty of subscribing themselves, &c. &c. &c.
At a Council held at the House of the Honble. Lieut. Governor's in His Majesty's garrison of Annapolis Royal upon Tuesday the 17th May 1720.
His Honor the Lieut. Governor, Major Lawrence Armstrong, President, Major Paul Mascarene, the Revd. John Harrison, Cyprian Southack Esq., Arthur Savage Esq., Hibbert Newton Esq., William Skene Esq., William Shirreff Esq.,
The Honble. Lieut. Governor acquainted the Board that His Excellency General Philipps having advice that the French inhabitants of this river are cutting a road from this river to Menis which gives him suspicion that they design by it, either to molest this place or to drive off their cattle and carry their effects from hence by that way in order to settle in a body, either there or Shignecto and stand in defiance of the Government. Advised and Agreed,
'l'hat His Excellency be desired to send his special orders to the French inhabitants of this river and Menis not to cut any such road without having His Excellency's leave in writing.
That the said order be drawn up to be presented to His Excellency to sign and approve of, — that the Honble. Lieut. Governor, Major Lawrence Armstrong, Major Paul Mascarene, and Cyprian Southack Esq. be the Committee to draw up said order.