Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


in this affair, whither good or evil will naturally be construed the effect and consequence of your Council. I have nothing further to add but to assure Monsr. St. Ovide of my perfect esteem & that I shall always make it my business to cultivate a good understanding with him & the Govrs of his most Christian Majesty in these countrys; in this I obey the comands of my Royal Master & at the same time gratifye the ambition of Sir Your most humble & most obedt servant

R. PHILIPPS.      

To Monsr. Monsr.

      St Ovide Brouillian

      Governeur de Cape Breton.


(Translated from the French.)

      Letter from the inhabitants of Mines to Mr. Philipps Governor of Acadie concerning the difficulties which have presented themselves to the execution of the orders which he has transmitted to them by Mr. Blin, and to ask of him that after the valuation of their property by commissioners, the proceeds shall be given to them in pursuance of a letter from the late Queen Anne.

MAY — 1720      

SIR, —

      We have received by Mr. Blin the orders which it has pleased your Excellency to send us. Being all assembled, your Excellency's demands were read to us. These demands we cannot agree to, for several reasons, inasmuch as you demand from us, an oath which is so much the more burdensome as we should expose both ourselves and our families to the fury of the savages, who threaten us every day and watch all our proceedings in order to assure themselves that we are not violating the oath taken in presence of General Nicholson and two officers from Isle Royale. This oath is known to the courts of England and France, and it appears to us very difficult to relieve ourselves from the conditions it imposes. And if we should happen not to keep our promise to our invincible monarch, we would have nothing to expect but punishment from the threatening hand of the savages.

      Nevertheless Sir we promise you that we shall be equally as faithful as we have hitherto been and that we shall not commit any act of hostility against any right of his Britannic Majesty, so long as we shall continue to remain within the limits of his

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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