Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


      At a Council holden at the Governor's House in Halifax on Thursday the 3rd July 1755.


The Lieutenant Governor.

      Benj. Green, Councilor  
      Jno. Collier, Councilor  
      Willm. Cotterell, Councilor  
      Jonn. Belcher, Councilor  
      The Lieutenant Governor laid before the Council the two following Memorials, Signed by the Deputies and a number of the French Inhabitants of Minas and Pisiquid, and delivered to Capt. Murray the Commanding Officer there, by whom they had been transmitted to His Excellency.  

[Translated from the French.]

"MINES June 10th. 1755."      
"To His Excellency CHARLES LAWRENCE, Governor of the province of Nova Scotia or Acadie, &c. &c.      

"SIR, —
      "We, the Inhabitants of Mines, Pisiquid, and the river Canard, take the liberty of approaching your Excellency for the purpose of testifying our sense of the care which the government exercises towards us.  
      "It appears, Sir, that your Excellency doubts the sincerity with which we have promised to be faithful to his Britannic Majesty.  
      "We most humbly beg your Excellency to consider our past conduct. You will see, that, very far from violating the oath we have taken, we have maintained it in its entirety, in spite of the solicitations and the dreadful threats of another power. We still entertain, Sir, the same pure and sincere disposition to prove under any circumstances, our unshaken fidelity to his Majesty, provided that His Majesty shall allow us the same liberty that he has granted us. We earnestly beg your Ex-  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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