Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


endeavours to take up the three Men mentioned by Major Handfield to be at Mines in the Character of French Deserters; but actually inviting the Inhabitants to take Arms for the French. If you succeed in twenty-four hours in attempting this secretly, I shall be glad, but if not, I woud have you issue a Proclamation offering a Reward of Twenty Pounds Sterling to whoever shall discover where any one or more of these pretended deserters may be apprehended. You will publish this proclamation by means of the Deputies & you must assemble them for that purpose and inform them that I am well assured there are such persons in the Country in the Character of Deserters, but actually seducing the Inhabitants to take arms, and that I expect that they apprehend them or at least give some accot. of them. I desire you woud, at this time also, acquaint the Deputies that their Happiness and future welfare depends very much on their present behaviour, & that they may be assured, if any Inhabitant either old or Young shoud offer to go to Beausejour, or to take arms or induce others to commit any Act of Hostility upon the English, or make any Declaration in favour of the Freneh, they will be treated as Rebels, their Estates and Families undergo immediate Military Execution, and their persons if apprehended shall suffer the utmost Rigour of the Law, and every severity that I can inflict; and on the other Hand such Inhabitants as behave like English Subjects, shall enjoy English Liberty & Protection.

      I desire you will immediately publish a Proclamation by my order, offering a Reward of Twenty Pounds Sterlg. to any Person that will apprehend and bring Joseph Dugat commonly called petit Joseph Dugat of Cobequid, or anyone or more of the Couriers that arrived from Cobequid at Beausejour on the 5th May instant with Letters for the Abbe le Loutre, also the same reward for apprehending the Couriers who arrived at Beausejour the Evening of the Said 5th May with Letters for said le Loutre from Mines & Peziquid. I would have the Boats employed in cutting off the communication with Beausejour, as Couriers will be attempting every day to go, as probably Col. Monckton and his transports are by this time arrived at Annapolis. *   *   *   *

I am, &c.,      


To Captain Murray.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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