The Council being assembled Mr. Daudin and the French Inhabitants were called in and Mr. Daudin presented the paper which he called his Defence: The same having been read and fully considered and nothing appearing therein material towards the Justification of his Conduct and behaviour, but on the contrary, everything clearly and evidently proved against him, with which he had been charged by Captain Murray; and moreover, it having been observed to him that whilst he was at Annapolis, he had created much uneasiness and discontent amongst the Inhabitants there, also that the Inhabitants of Pisiquid who were very quiet and obedient in his Absence, grew immediately refractory and disobedient upon his return to them, The Council came to a Resolution, with which he was acquainted in the following words.
“ You have been ordered to this Place upon a Complaint of
“ the Commanding Officer at Pisiquid, of your having behaved
“ in an unbecoming and insolent manner there, and upon Exam-
“ ination, it has been fully proved that you have in an impu-
“ dent and threatening manner before the said Commanding
“ Officer and other of His Majesty's Subjects. uttered Words,
“ highly reflecting upon His Majesty's Government; also that
“ your behaviour amongst the Inhabitants has been such as has
“ a Tendency to promote Seditious and undutiful behaviour
“ towards his Majesty's Government which are Crimes of a
“ very high nature and for which you might justly expect
“ severe punishment, but in regard of your Function, The
“ Council have omitted your deserved punishment therefor,
“ and only have resolved to remove you out of the Country, as
“ they are determined that no Priest shall remain in the Pro-
“ vince who shall dare to intermeddle with the Affairs of His
“ Majesty's Government.”
The Inhabitants were then severely reprimanded and exhorted to return and immediately bring in the Wood as had been ordered, which Duty if they neglected any longer to perform they would certainly suffer military Execution.
At a Council holden at the Governor's House in Halifax, on Wednesday the 9th day of Oct., 1754.