Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


hinder the Exportation of Corn untill the whole of that Nation is supplyed; and they may assure themselves that the Government will not suffer corn to be carried as usual to Beausejour & St. John's, but are determined to prevent it at any rate, by the most rigorous Execution of the Penal Laws that are or may be made on that occasion.


Letter from Secretary Cotterell to Capt. Murray.

(Letter Book.)

SECRETARY'S OFFICE, 23 September 1754.      

      I am favoured with yours of the 20 instant. The Colonel desires you would keep an Eye upon Daudin, and if you have any Certainty of his meddling in affairs that are not purely Ecclesiastical you are desired to send us information of it. "  
      You must absolutely refuse passes to those inhabitants that want to go to Beaubassin, and acquaint them that they are to pay not the least regard to any Declaration or order whatsoever trom Mr. Le Loutre or any person Civil, Military or Ecclesiastical, except such as go forth from his Majesty's Government under which they live, and that we know of no right nor authority that either Mr. Leloutre or his master can have to the Land; in any of the Districts of Chignecto; and further, that if the Inhabitants within the Peninsula attempt to go thither on any Summons whatever, they must expect to forfeit their Lands within the Peninsula."  
I am &c.      

To Capt. Murray.

      At a Council holden at the Governor's House in Halifax on Tuesday, the 24th day of Sept., 1754."  


Charles Lawrence, Esq., President.

      Benj Green, Councilor  
      Jno. Collier, Councilor  
      Willm. Cotterell, Councilor  
      Robt. Monckton, Councilor  
      The President communicated to the Council the following Letter from Capt. Murray Commanding at FortEdward, which"  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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