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I expect your answer at Annapolis by Father Felix and four of the Inhabitants chosen from amongst you, whome you may direct to represent what you have further to say, and in case you shall not agree in your choice, I do hereby name Alexander Bourg, James Leblang, Paul Mallenson and Peter Brow to be the persons, and order you to have this Proclamation together with this letter read publickly, and in the hearing of as many of the Inhabitants as can be gathered together, and of Capt: Blin and the rest of the English in your parts.
I am your friend ready to serve you
Annapolis Royal Apll 28th 1720.
To the Inhabitants of Chegnecto*.
[The same as above, with this paragraph added.]
And to shew my readyness to serve you, have permitted the Bearer hereof to transport from Menis, &ce fifty hhds of Wheat to be sold to you for your subsistence wthout his being obliged to come back first to this port, and as you shall deserve, you shall find further proofs of my kindness.
I am your friend, ready to serve you
Annapolis royal April 28th, 1720.
To the Inhabitants of the River of Annapolis &c.
Whereas it may be conducive to his Majesty's service, and the welfare of this his Province that the Inhabitants here may have access from time to time to me, and may by that freedom, declare their intentions, in relation to his Majsties good pleasure, in regard to them, signified by my Proclamation dated April, and receive the answers I may give them from the Instructions I have received from his Majesty, and whereas it is difficult for all of them to attend, so often as it may be requisite: This is to order the people inhabiting this River, and country adjacent unto it, to choose Wednesday next, being the fourth of May 1720 NS. from amongst themselves six persons to appear before me, who are to be im-