nevertheless, It was Resolved that the Commanding Officer of His Majesty's Fort at Chignecto be wrote to, to acquaint the Indians that if they have any serious Thoughts of making Peace, that they may, as they have been already informed, repair to Halifax, where they will be Treated with on reasonable Conditions.*
ByCHARLES LAWRENCE Esqr.President of the Council, and Commander in Chief for the time being, of His Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia, or Accadie, Lieutenant Governors of Annapolis Royal, and Lieutenant Colonel of one of His Majesty's Regiments of Foot.
WHEREAS it has been represented to me and His Majesty's Council, that the Exportation of Corn from this Province, is not only of the greatest ill Consequence to the Inhabitants thereof, but that such Corn is frequently carried to foreign Markets.
I do hereby, by and with the Advice and Consent of His Majesty's Council, strictly forbid any Masters of Vessels trading to this Province, to Ship on board their Vessels any Corn, without a Permission in Writing signed by myself, under the penalty of Fifty Pounds Sterling, and a forfeiture of the Corn so shipped, One half to the Informer the other to the use and Support of His Majesty's Government in this Province.
And I do hereby require and enjoin all Officers, Civil and Military, to use their utmost Endeavours to prevent any Frauds that may be attempted contrary to the Intent and meaning of this Proclamation. And I do hereby impower any of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace either upon Information or on their own certain Knowledge, to Seize such Corn, and to levy the said Penalty of Fifty Pounds, upon the Goods and Chattels of the Offender, by Distress, unless the said Offender shall give good and Sufficient Security to take his Tryal before His Majesty's Council, and comply with such
* See letter from Governor Lawrence to Captain Hussey, Nov. 8th, 1754.