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The president also acquainted the Council that notwithstanding the French Inhabitants of Annapolis, Minas, and Piziquid had been refused liberty to go and work for the French who have established themselves at Beaubassin, Yet many of the said inhabitants had presumed to go there to the number of three or four Hundred; wherefore the president desired the Opinion and advice of the Council, what would be necessary to be done on this occasion.
The Council having taken the same into mature consideration, did advise that a proclamation should be forthwith issued, ordering the said Inhabitants to return, as they shall answer the contrary at their peril, and that the deputies should be ordered to report the names of all those who were gone to Beau Sejour to work as aforesaid. * * * *
Extract from Instructions to Captain Matthew Floyer, for his Conduct in dismantling the Fort at Mines.
If you find on your arrival at Mines the Quarters in the Fort there not Sufficient to accommodate the addition of your Detachment you must quarter it on the Inhabitants of Grand Pre in the Houses most contiguous to the Fort & most convenient for that purpose, taking especial care that no irregularities are committed by the Troops, nor damage done to the Inhabitants; but on the Contrary, that every thing furnished by them is fairly paid for, and All Justice done them.
Extract from a Letter of Governor Lawrence to Lords of Trade.
It gives me great pleasure that your Lordships look upon our French Inhabitants in so just a light, as any alteration in their affairs might be of the highest importance to this Province.They have been long the object of my most serious attention, which, with the frequent experience I have had of them in the course, of my duty, has, enabled me to form an opinion of them and their circumstances that I shall now take