Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768



His Excellency the General, the Honble. Lieut. Governor, Major Lawrence Armstrong, Major Paul Mascarene, The Revd. John Harrison, Esq., Cyprian Southack, Esq., Arthur Savage, Esq., John Adams, Esq., Hibbert Newton, Esq., William Skene,Esq, William Sheriff, Esq, Peter Boudre,Esq.
      A report of the Committee appointed to draw up an order to the French inhabitants of this river vizt that they had drawn up said order which was delivered in read and approved of.  

Advised and Ordered,
      That the said order be translated into French and sent up the river to said inhabitants; to choose six persons to represent the whole body of the French inhabitants of this river.
R. PHILIPPS.      
      A letter from His Excellency the General to Father Justinian Durands (a Popish Priest) was read and approved of to be sent up the river with the aforesaid order.  
      A report of the Committee appointed to inspect the papers of this Government relating to the French inhabitants vizt. that they had found several papers relating to the French inhabitants particularly the Oaths they had taken to Her late Majesty Queen Anne which were delivered in read and advised on.


To the Inhabitants of Menis and Places Adjacent.
      I do now hereby send his Majesty my masters commands to you in the inclosed Proclamation, by which you may see the great good will he bears towards you, by granting in the same to those who shall become subjects the free exercise of their Religion, with their estates ensured to them and posterity and all their Civel Rights. And as their is so strickt, and inviolable friendship between the two Crowns, I think it a duty incumbent upon me to exhort and invite you to take hold of this opportunity of answering his Majesty's just demands in takeing your Oaths of Allegiance and fidelity to his sacred Person, under whose Gvernment you live. Likewise since he has so graciously condescended to let you injoy what you seem to think most precious, your Religion, and upon your so doing I do further assure you of my protection and friendship.  

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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