Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


his arrival so early as his usual alertness made him expected, I shall deliver your accompts to the Treasurer and proceed to answer the matter contained in your Letter to the Colonel*. And first as to the Inhabitants in regard of their priests, as they seem to think we do not give them a proper denomination) you are authorised to Change it to Catholick, Apostolick, and Roman; but they can have no other assurances given given them of not bearing arms except a verbal intimation that we have no such design at present as arming them, and that the nature of our constitution makes it both unsafe & unprecedented to trust our cause in the Hands of people of of their persuasion; if they are sincere in desiring to return to their possessions they will not start at TrifIes, & if not they will be a proper example to all french Inhabitantants that have thought of listing under the Banner of Le Loutre.
      The Colonel highly applauds your conduct towards the Inhabitants in the wood affair, and would be glad they could be made to supply the Garrison, if they could do it so early in the year as to assure you of your wood before it could be too late to make other provision in case they should fail you. I mean if they will lay in next year’s wood this Summer, as cheap as you mention, Mr. Dyson need not be employed next year, and you will be sure of your wood.  
      I am ordered to acquaint you that if Mr. Arbuckle or any other person should offer to supply the French Garrison at Beau Sejour with Provisions, that you are directed to take all measures to prevent it, as we well know that the French buy up such provision for the use of the Indians in order to encourage and enable them to make war upon his Majesty's Subjects in this Province.  
      The Colonel approves of your endeavouring to get Maillard† according to Mr. Hopson's Instructions, and does authorise you to offer him such temptations & encouragement as you know it will be in the Government's power to comply with.  
      Your intercepting one of Le Loutre's Spies would be very acceptable. I join with you in thinking that Imprisonment at Chignecto and a Journey here, would stop that practice.  
      Captain Oox will send you by this opportunity a French deserter who is to be delivered up according to the Cartel. *   *   *   *  
I am &c.      

To Capt George Scott
      Comg. Chignecto.

    * Colonel Lawrence, then administering the Government as President of the Council.
    † The priest at Chignecto.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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