Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


Oath without any Reservation. We sincerely hope their Circumstances are such as will induce them to accept the Condition, and that their Example will be followed by all the other French Inhabitants.

      We always considered the having a Fort at Minas as a thing necessary to check and restrain the Inhabitants, and prevent them from carrying supplies to the French; but as it appears from your Account, that the Fort is in such a ruinous Condition as to be incapable of Repair, and as you seem to think, that the Purpose will be as well answered by strengthening the Garrison of Pisiquid by the Adition of that at Minas, We have no Objection to your abandoning it, desiring, however, that a watchful Eye be kept upon the Inhabitants, and if there be any Appearances of Disaffection or attempt to send Succours to the French, that a Redoubt be built to awe and restrain them, and Boats stationed in the Basin as you propose.


Mr. Cotterell * to Col. Sutherland.

(Letter Book.)

SECRETARY'S OFFICE, 18 March 1754.      


      Your favour of the 15th I have received and laid before the Col.† who approves much of every thing you have done.

      Captain Floyer desires me to acquaint you that he has given a pass to three Frenchmen to go to Lunenburg, under a pretence of Hunting, but he has reason to suspect they are employed by Le Loutre to entice away the Germans, and therefore thought this intimation might be usefull to you. *   *   *   *

I am      


To Col. Sutherland.


Mr. Cotterell to Captain Scott.

(Letter Book.)

SECRETARY'S OFFICE 12th Aprl 1754.      

DR. SIR, —

      Your dispatches by Cbb were most welcome to us, as we very much fear'd some unhappy accident had prevented    
    * Capt. Cotterell as the first Provost Marshal. He was succeeded in that office by Cap. Foy. He was appointed a member of Council 23d Oct., 1752. He was at this time acting Provincial Secretary.
    † Governor Lawrence.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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