Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


      It appears, sir, that we would be deprived of this last article, if the government were to force them to take this oath, because the missionaries would certainly not remain among us on terms which they cannot agree to; we should therefore see ourselves deprived of the main point granted to us.

      Moreover Sir, when we submitted on the terms by which the practice of our religion is granted to us, it was by no means specified that our missionaries should be obliged to take this oath. That is proved by the two missionaries who were present when we took the oath, and who were also entrusted with our affairs, without its being thought necessary to exact of them what is now required of them.

      Notwithstanding all the expense we have incurred in endeavoring to get them at Beaubassin, at Louisbourg, and even at Quebec, the difficulty of this oath prevents them from settling amongst us. Mr. Daudin, who has lately taken the trouble to repair hither for the purpose of instructing us, has determined to return should this oath be demanded of him.

      His departure would affect us the more sensibly, as we should see ourselves deprived of the resource of that which we so much require, seeing that my Lord of Quebec is not at all disposed to send us missionaries. He has apprised us of this himself by the inhabitants whom we sent to him; and this is on account of the oath which is demanded of the missionaries. We hope sir, that you will do us the favour to grant us that liberty which we so earnestly ask of you; and to believe that we are most respectfully, Sir,

Your very humble and obt. servants,      

      Signed by about 45 of the French inhabitants.

      Which being considered, the Council were of Opinion that by the Orders, it appears the French have given to the Missionaries not to take any Oaths, They have made a pretence of the Resolution of Council of the 31st of July, 1749, Ordering them to take them, to prevent the Inhabitants from having any Priests; and we, having from repeated Instances, the strongest reasons to apprehend they propose by this means to induce the Inhabitants to leave the Province on account of their being denyed the free Exercise of their Religion. — In order, therefore, as much as may be to prevent any inconveniences from arising on this Account, and to frustrate any evil Intentions the French may have to delude away the said Inhabitants, to the great detriment of this Province, — The Council came to a Resolution to allow the Inhabitants a Number of

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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