upon his Majesty's subjects. I have been informed that French have often been mixed among them in their expeditions and am convinced past doubt that they are clothed, fed, protected from our pursuits and encouraged to disturb us as openly and in as great a degree as in time of war.
To the Right Hon. the Lords Commrs. of Trade & Plantations; &c. &c.
At a Council holden at the Governor's in Halifax on Wednesday the 12th Septr. 1753.
His Excellency the Governor,
The following petition was read.
(Translated from the French.)
MINES, this 4th 7bre 1753.
Captain General and Governor of Nova Scotia or Acadie, &c. &c. &c.
The inhabitants of Grand Pre, River Canard, Pisiquid, &c., take the liberty of presenting their very humble petition to your Excellency, begging you to remove the difficulty which presents itself with respect to the missionaries who come here, by exempting them from the oath of allegiance which is required of them.
We hope sir, that your Excellency will be kind enough to grant that favour, inasmuch as, when we took the oath of allegiance to his Britannic Majesty, we took it only on condition that we should be allowed the free exercise of our religion, and a sufficient number of ministers to perform the services.