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but to lay the case before the Governor & wait His Orders thereon. You are to cause the following orders to be stuck up in the most Publick part of the Fort, both in English & French:
1. The Provisions or any other commodities that the Inhabitants of the country shall bring to the Fort to sell, are not to be taken from them at any fixed price, but to be paid for according to a free agreement made between them & the Purchasers.
2. No Officer, non-Commissioned Officer, or Soldier, shall presume to insult or otherwise abuse any of the Inhabitants of the Country, who are upon all occasions to be treated as His Majesty's Subjects, & to whom the Laws of the Country are open, to protect as well as to Punish.
At the Season of laying in fuel for the Fort, You are to signify to the Inhabitants by their Deputys, that it is His Exclly's pleasure they lay in the Quantity of Wood that you require, & when they have complyed, you are to give them certificates specifying what Quantity they have furnished, which will entitle them to payment at Halifax.
Governor Hopson to Lords of Trade.
Since my arrival in this Government, I have used my utmost endeavours to come at an exact knowledge of the State of the Province, by which means I might be able to shew Your Lordsps. whence our difficulty arise that you may from thence judge what would be the most probable means of removing them, and of making this Colony more advantageous & less expensive to its Mother Country. I have not succeeded as yet in my endeavour, so perfectly as I would have wished as intelligence is so difficult to be had, but I shall proceed to give your Lordships the best account I can procure of ye French Inhabitants and Indians.
There are of the former, according to the best Computation we can make, about 973 families in the whole, the chief part and those we have the most commerce with reside at Pisiquid, River Canard, Mines and Annapolis Royal, the other settle-