Extract from a letter of Governor Hopson* to Lords of Trade, dated Halifax, 10th December, 1752.
————— I should be glad to have your Lordships opinion as early in the Spring as possible, concerning the Oaths I am to tender to the French Inhabitants as directed by the 68th article of my Instructions.
Mr. Cornwallis can thoroughly inform your Lordships how difficult, if not impossible, it may be, to force such a thing upon them, and what ill consequences may attend it. I believe he can likewise acquaint you that the inhabitants of Chignecto (who had taken them before with General Philipp's conditions) made it a pretence to quit their Allegiance and retire from their lands, tho' it was not otherwise offered to them than by issuing the Kings Proclamation to that effect.
As they appear to be much better disposed than they have been, and I hope will still amend and in a long course of time become less scrupulous, I beg to know from your Lordships in the Spring how far His Majesty would approve my silence on this head till a more convenient opportunity.
Mr. Cornwallis can inform your Lordships how useful and necessary these people are to us, how impossible it is to do without them, or to replace them even if we had other settlers to put in their places and at the same time will acquaint you how obstinate they have always been when the Oaths have been offered.
Extract from Instructions to the Officers Commanding the Fort at Vieux Logis† and Fort Edward‡
You are to look on the French Inhabitants in the same light with the rest of His Majesty's Subjects, as to the protection of the Laws & Government, for which reason nothing is to be taken from them by Force, or any Price set upon their goods but what they themselves agree to; and if at any time the Inhabitants should Obstinately refuse to comply with what His Majesty's Service may require of them, You are not to redress yourself by Military Force, or in any unlawfull manner,
* Peregine Thomas Hopson succeeded Governor Cornwallis in August, 1752. Mr. Cornwallis returned to England in the Summer of that year.
† Old Barracks at Minas | ‡ At Pisiquid. |