Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


Lawrence acquainting with his having recovered nine of the Deserters from Philips Regiment who in thoir Examinations & Trial had informed him what Incouragement & Assistance they had from the French Inhabitants in their Desertion, & that money had been advanced to everyone of them. That he had likewise taken one Joseph Le Blanc who was evidently the principal Instrument of the Enemy in those Parts, who had confessed the whole. (As doth more fully appear from the Major's Letters & the Examinations & trial of the Deserters, & the Examination of Le Blanc himself preserved on file.)
      His Excellency acquainted the Council that he had a Warrant ready to send to Major Lawrence for the immediate Execution of Joseph Le Blanc, but desired to know their Opinions which would probably have the greatest Effect, a sudden Example of Justice, or a fair trial before the General Court with the other Prisoners in Custody now at Minas.  
      Resolved, That Joseph Le Blanc, Labrador & the two men taken in the Bay by Hill, Jean Battiste Petre & Pierre Rembour be brought to their Trial before the General Court in the Beginning of August next.  

From M. Loutre to M. Bigot, Commissary of New France, dated Bay Verte, 15th August, 1750.

(Translated from the French.)

SIR, —
      I send you the ship London. M. de Bonaventure is to write to you by this opportunity to ask you for provisions, not being able to get any from Louisburg for the subsistence of the refugee families. If the four vessels that you promise us had arrived, we would have sent some flour to Isle St. Jean; but for the present we cannot do so. We have here a great many people to support, and in the autumn we shall have an increase of more than sixty families from Beaubassin, and the rivers which are beyond our claims, who have not sown at all, in order to withdraw to our territories.  
      The inhabitants of Cobequid are to decide as soon as they hear from France, they will make the number one hundred families. Perhaps we shall have some from Mines if they can escape. You see Sir that we require provisions; and it would be exposing these families to perish, not to be in a condition

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