Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


(Order Book.)

By His Excellency EDWARD CORNWALLIS, Captain General & Governor in Chief in and over his Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia or Accadie.      

To Captain JOHN GORHAM, —
      You are to march with your company on Monday morning to Piziquid,* to establish yourself there, you are to take the properest post you can to Dispose of your company to the best advantage, till you can erect a Block house, for your security, you are to take possession of the house of these men who took up arms & have since absconded, to take their cattle for the use of the company & publish their being confiscated to his Majesty's use, for their audacious and Insolent behaviour. You are to find out whose house the three Englishmen were at, who those Rebels with 2 Indians have carried off & send the person to me to ansr. for his behaviour. You will keep a correspondence with Captain Hanfield that you may assist each other as necessity shall require. You are as far as lies in your power to prevent any of the Inhabitants that leave the Country trom carrying off their cattle or destroying their houses. You are to keep good order and discipline among your men, and not suffer them to pillage the Inhabitants, they will have orders to assist you with all necessaries paying the reasonable prices, as likewise to assist you in making your Block house. You are as often as opportunity happens, to acquaint me with your proceedings; upon anything Extraordinary happening you are to dispatch a messenger to me.  
Given at Halifax the 12th Day of March 1749.      


Govr. Cornwallis to Duke of Bedford.

Halifax, March 19th, 1749-50.      

My LORD, —
      *   *   *   * I had resolved upon no account to weaken, the Settlement or to give the Savages an occasion to gain advantages by our sending out small parties to any distance.  
      I had often thought that something good might be done by

    * Now Windsor.

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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