Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


(Translated from the French.)

HALIFAX, Dec. 13, 1749.      
      This day appeared before me Hugh Davidson, member of his Britannic Majesty's Council for the province of Nova Scotia or Acadie. Honore Gautrol residing at Grand Pre, who swore upon the Gospel, that the undernamed inhabitants were with the savages, when they came, and attacked the fort of Captain Handfield, that they carried arms with the savages and assisted them in everyway.  

Joseph Clement
Charles Hebert
Francois La Prience
Claude Le Prience
M. La Gorne
C. La Gorne
Petit Jean la Gorne
Renauchon Ancoin
Joseph Vincent
Francois La Vache
Charles La Gorne (Junr.)

All residents of the river Gembert at Pizziquid.
      Sworn to before me  


(Translated from the French.)

By his Excellency EDWARD CORNWALLIS, Captain General, Governor in Chief and Vice Admiral of Nova Scotia or Acadia, Colonel in the service of his Britannic Majesty and Gentleman of his Chamber.      
      Whereas we are informed that certain subjects of his Britannic Majesty, living at Piziquid, did join themselves to the Savages, take up arms and assist them recently when they came and attacked the fort of Captain Handfield, we have sent Captain Gorham, member of his Britannic Majesty's Council, to seize said rebellious inhabitants and to bring them here that they may undergo their trial according to law.  
Given at Halifax the 23rd day of December, 1749.      

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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