Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


your Lordships will see from the enclosed Copy of their Letter which was signed by a thousand Inhabitants, that they are, or say they are, resolved to retire, rather than take the Oath of Allegiance. As I am sure they will not leave their Habitations this season, when the letter was read to the Council in their presence, I made them answer without changing any thing of my former Declaration, or saying one word about it. My view is to make them as useful as possible to His Majesty while they do stay. If, afterwards, they are still obstinate, and refuse the Oath, I shall receive in Spring His Majesty's further Instructions from your Lordships. As they stayed to have copies of my answer in writing, I saw them in the afternoon by myself, and exorted them to be faithful to His Majesty, to renounce all connection with France, and give all the assistance in their power to this Colony, as what must turn out greatly for their interest. They went home in good humour promising great things.


      At a Conncil held in the Governor's Apartment on Sunday Octr 22. 1749 —


His Excellency the Governor
John HorsemanJohn Salusbury
Charles LawrenceHugh Davidson
Benj. GreenWm. Steele

      His Excellency informed the Council that the French Deputys were come to acquaint him of the Election of new Deputys for the ensuing Year & to present them for his Approbation, & to give them an opportunity of making their Submission, as well for themselves as for those of the more distant districts who could not come so soon — It Was observed in Council that it was not altogether regular for men to have any Office, whatever in any of his Majesty's Dominions, without taking the Usual Oaths. Yet considering that these Deputys are without Authority or Power, & in no ways to be looked Upon as Magistrates, & in the present State of that part of the Province they may be useful. The Council was unanimously of Opinion to continue the Custom as formerly until some Regulations coud be made & Magistrates appointed for those Parts. Accordingly they were ordered to be brought in.


Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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