Nova Scotia Archives

Acadian Heartland

Records of the Deportation and Le Grand Dérangement, 1714-1768


      We declare at the same time, and promise by order and in His Majesty's name, that all those who shall take the oath of allegiance, and who, in consequence of that, shall continue faithful and good subjects of the King of Great Britain, shall enjoy the same privileges equally with the subjects of his Majesty, and shall be aided, assisted, and protected against all those who may endeavour to molest them.

Given at the Port of Chebucto, in the 23rd year of the reign of his Majesty, August 1st, N.S., 1749.      


      It is His Excellency’s order that this decree be published in each department as soon as possible, that no person may pretend ignorance of the same.

C. S.      



      At a Council held on board the Beaufort on Wednesday the 6th of Sept. 1749.


His Excellency the Governor
John HorsemanJohn Salusbury
Charles LawrenceHugh Davidson
Benj. GreenWm. Steele

      Deputies from the French districts presented the following letter from the French inhabitants signed by one thousand persons.

(Translated from the French.)

      To his Excellency EDWARD CORNWALLIS, Captain General, Governor in Chief, and vice Admiral in the King's Province of Nova Scotia or Acadie, Colonel in the service of His Majesty, and Gentleman of his chamber."

      We cannot sufficiently thank your Excellency, for all the kindness you were good enough to show us on your arrival, whether in the gracious reception you gave our deputies, or in the term of three months which you have given us, to consider the course we are to pursue, with respect to the oath"

Selections NSHS II ~ Brown NSHS III ~ Winslow NSHS IV ~ Winslow

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