[Translated from the French.]
A Declaration of His Excellency EDWARD CORNWALLIS, Captain General, Governor in Chief, and Vice Admiral in the King's province of Nova Scotia or Acadie, Colonel in His Majesty's Service, and Gentleman of his chamber.
Having received by the deputies, a letter from the French inhabitants of this province, dated August 1st, newstyle, in which they ask us to grant them priests, and the free and public exercise of their religion, and also that they shall not be obliged to take up arms in case of war, even should the province be attacked.
We, Edward Cornwallis, Captain General, Governor in Chief, &c. &c. by and with the advice of the Council, publish and declare, that, provided the said inhabitants be and continue faithful subjects of the King of Great Britain, we will grant them priests and the free and public exercise of their religion; provided always that no priest shall presume to officiate, without having obtained permission from the Governor or commander in Chief of the province, and without having taken the oath of allegiance to the King.
We hereby give notice by order and in the name of the King, that His Majesty is not willing that any of his subjects, who enjoy the privileges aud advantages of his Government, and who possess habitations and lauds in this province, shall be exempted from an entire allegiance or from the natural obligation to defend themselves, their habitations, their lands, and the government under which they enjoy so many advantages.
Accordingly, in order to execute the orders of his Majesty, we will send, at the earliest opportunity, some officers of the King to the French settlements, viz. to the Annapolis River, to Grand Pre, and to Chicanecto who shall administer the oath of allegiance to the said French inhabitants; and we command all those who wish to enjoy their possessions under the happy government of his Majesty, to present themselves in order to take the oath of allegiance before the 15/26 October, which will be the last day granted by us.
Until we can send persons to those settlements, we have named two members of Council at Chebucto, and the Lieutenant Governor or officer commanding at Annapolis Royal, to administer the oath to the inhabitants who shall present themselves at those places.